
Return to the course syllabus and go over the course objectives once more. Consider what you’ve learned in this class in terms of each of the objectives listed above. Do you believe that you have met all of the course objectives? Are there any topics that you’d like to learn more about in particular? Fill in the blanks with your thoughts on how you anticipate applying the content of this course to your future APN role. Leave a comment on at least two of your classmates’ blog entries. (This is a course for Advanced Practice Nurses. )

During this course, the learner develops an understanding of healthcare policy formation and evaluation while also exploring the role of nurses in public policy, finance, and politics. Course Description: The organization and delivery of healthcare are investigated, with the most up-to-date knowledge available in the areas of health promotion and disease prevention being applied where appropriate. In order for nurses in advanced practice roles to be effective in promoting and preventing disease, they must be able to plan, implement, and evaluate care that is consistent with the guidelines, initiatives, mandates, and recommendations of a wide range of agencies. To pass this course, you must receive a grade of at least B-.

Students should be able to perform the following tasks after completing this course successfully:

Examine the political process, its influence on nursing practice, and strategies to encourage advanced practice nurses to participate in the political process.
Develop a critical understanding of the theories and processes that influence the development and implementation of health policy for use in healthcare settings.
Economic variables that influence health policy and promotion at the local, state, federal, and international levels will be examined in this chapter.
Integrate information technology into health policies and health promotion applications so that they can be used by a variety of groups with a shared interest.
Create a synthesis of knowledge in the areas of health promotion and disease prevention in order to address health disparities among diverse and vulnerable communities.