Disease Prevention Week 8 Journal Self-Reflection, Spending, Saving, and Life Habits
NU629 Health Promotion – Disease Prevention Week 8 Journal Self-Reflection, Spending, Saving, and Life Habits – One Paycheck? Two, Three . . . Ten? Read and Reflect Millions of Americans are one paycheck away from the street Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck One Paycheck Away No matter how much you earn, “getting by” is still a struggle for most people these days. Seventy-eight percent of full-time workers indicated that they live paycheck to paycheck, which is up from 75 percent for the previous year, according to a report from CareerBuilder (August 24, 2017). Most of us make New Year’s resolutions, and budgeting or staying on budget is frequently in the top three. According to Statistia.com, after reviewing more than 22,500 sources, the top three New Year’s resolutions for 2018 tied at 37 percent each – eat healthier, get more exercise, and save more money. At the same time, 32 percent of those polled did not intend to make a New Year’s Resolution. When thinking about the mindset of Americans, their New Year’s resolutions, and the state of our health, as Advanced Practice Nurses, we need to understand that we are dealing with more than the “health” or “disease” of our patients, but also cultural mores and financial constraints. The studies may recommend a certain course of treatment, but when most of us are “one paycheck away” from disaster, the study recommendations do not take into account who’s going to keep the lights on or food on the table. Reflect on the learning material for this week, other people you may know, and your own personal situation in relation to money. Consider how an individual’s financial well-being directly affects their overall health and their ability to receive preventative services and evidence-based care. You may journal in first-person and this assignment does not require references as it is your thoughts; however, be sure to review the rubric as a minimum of one reference is required to be considered exemplary work. If you choose to use quotes or citable material, you are expected to follow APA formatting. Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded. Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/