discuss the macro-trends affecting the future of the US healthcare system
Write a 10 -12 page Team report using APA style that:
1) Identifies and discuss the macro-trends affecting the future of the US healthcare system, including such aspects as the overall economy, demographics, personal lifestyles and behaviors, technology (including biotechnology and smartphones), and federal and state government policies. Note that these factors are neither exhaustive nor are they offered as a mandatory framework; your research will identify macro-trends relevant to your findings.
2) Use the above analysis to identify five (5) career opportunities for healthcare managers in 2020. Be sure to explicitly link each job opportunity with the specific trends identified in your analysis.
A minimum of five (5) references to independent research journals, official government sources, or non-vested technical reports must be incorporated and cited using APA style.
Be sure to support your conclusions with appropriate source material. Conclusions are not just “your opinion.” Each conclusion must be clearly linked to eternally valid sources of information.
Prepare your essay in MS Word with 1-inch margins on all sides, double-spaced and 12 pt. Times New Roman font; and upload it to the assignment folder. A title sheet, abstract, body of the paper, and reference list are all required for this paper. Please note that the 12 page limit applies to the body of the paper.
Submit your draft paper to your Industry (Writing) Coach one week before its due date.
After incorporating feedback from your Coach, submit your final paper to the Professor.
The Presentation (5 Points):
Much of today’s communication is done through a variety of electronic tools made available through the internet. E-mails, texting, interactive web sites, cloud technology (like Google Drive), video chats, and social media are all important in how we communicate with each other. The challenge of your Presentation is to communicate the basic findings of your Team’s Term Paper to your classmates, your Professor, and Coach through the use of a virtual presentation tool as if your Team was reporting your findings to a global audience of people located in thousands of different locations around the world.