Discuss the likely cause of the patient’s urticaria
NR507 Advanced Pathophysiology Week 6 Discussion Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to apply pathophysiological concepts to a child presenting with dermatological dysfunction (urticaria). Related concepts will also be applied that includes alterations in immunity/inflammation, fluid and electrolytes, acid/base balance and pulmonary function. Activity Learning Outcomes Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to: Explore age-specific and developmental alterations in the dermatological system. (CO 3, 1)Relate pathophysiological alterations in dermatological processes to the development, diagnosis and treatment of common skin disorders. (CO 4, 2)Examine current evidence to support the management of patients who present with alterations in the dermatologic system. (CO 5, 3) Requirements: A 12-year-old boy is brought to the office for evaluation of hives. He has no significant past medical history and no history of allergies. He has just joined the middle school soccer team and noticed that he gets hives about 10 minutes into practice. The hives are itchy and consist of irregular blotches on his legs and trunk, about 10–20 cm in size, and they persist for about 30 minutes. He does not experience swelling of the lips or oropharynx and denies any wheezing or shortness of breath. His physical examination is normal without skin lesions or oral swelling at that moment, and his lungs are clear. After evaluation, he is diagnosed with urticaria. Discuss the likely cause of the patient’s urticaria. Describe the cellular mechanism of urticaria and how it leads to the signs and symptoms experienced by the patient. Describe the relationship between the patient’s symptoms and the concept of inflammation. What pharmacological and non-pharmacologic? treatment options are available??Discuss the complications of urticaria. What teaching would be appropriate to provide the parent and child about urticaria? Support your response with at least one current evidence based resource Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/