Discuss how this information contributes to an evidence-based practice?
N682 School Nursing Week 6 Discussion Choose one of the following prompts: A teacher comes to you stating that a child in her class is extremely hyper, could you please talk to his parents to medicate him! What would your response be? A pediatrician sends in an order to take blood pressure for a child on a new medication. After reviewing the medications, which class of medications would need blood pressure checks? A parent wants you to give ½ of the dose prescribed by the pediatrician because they think it is too much. What would you do? Another parents asks you to give the medication only on days when you think her child really needs it, because it is so expensive. Who would you collaborate with to help this family? OR Journal Club: Zirkel, P.A., Granthom, M.F., & Lovato, L. (2012). Section 504 and student health problems: The pivotal position of the school nurse. The Journal of School Nursing, 28(6), 423-32. Discuss the purpose of the article? Synthesize the information and give an overview of the article. Examine and describe the information and list two-three items that would be useful for the School Nurse to be aware of in their practice. Discuss how this information contributes to an evidence-based practice? Your initial posting should be 250 to 350 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be between 150 and 200 words in length. To properly “thread” your discussion posting, please click on REPLY. Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/