Discuss any two challenges facing nurse leaders as they work toward transforming healthcare environments
NUR462 NURSING CAPSTONE Module 1 DiscussionDQ1 Caring Paradigm in Nursing As you prepare to respond to the discussion question(s) and to peers, be sure to read through the assigned readings in advance of participating in the discussion. The topic questions are designed for you to reflect upon your values and thoughts of nursing, and how these apply and become who you are in your practice role as a professional. Your responses can focus on your personal experiences, what new learning emerged from the discussions, how you embrace values or question ethical situations, and/or theoretical and empirical literature to support your comments. You may also provide constructive comments and include questions to clarify a point or advance the dialogue with peers. Review the EC School of Nursing Mission, Philosophy and Organizing Framework with the Meta-paradigm of Nursing Preview the document [PDF, File size 3 MB] (pages 1-3).Reflect upon your thoughts on Caring and tell us your perspective on how you view Caring in relationship to the paradigm of man, health, environment and nursing within today’s health care environment. Apply principles from any ONE nursing theory and ONE scholarly article in nursing or related discipline that supports your discussion. DQ2 Capstone Project: Topics of Interest Discuss any two challenges facing nurse leaders as they work toward transforming healthcare environments with a patient-centric focus. Explain two strategies that nurse leaders can use to either effect change, bridge the dichotomy between medicine and nursing, or influence members of the interdisciplinary team to implement patient-centered approaches. Integrate and make reference to readings from the text and one article from the literature to support your comments. Also, include relevant personal experiences, what new learning emerged from the discussions, how you embrace values or question ethical situations, and ask questions to enhance the spirit of inquiry. Each of you will be developing a Capstone Project as an individual assignment. In Module 1 we will be discussing potential topics of interest for your Capstone Project. You will refine your topic into a nursing initiative that is based on best evidence. In Modules 2 through 4 we will continue to address your topics and refine your project as a scholarly paper. You will also modify your project into a power-point presentation. You will present your completed power-point slides to your classmates (Module 5 Week 10) prior to dissemination to a selected group of participants as a poster/slide presentation of your project (Modules 6-8 or Weeks 11-14).Discuss areas of interest and potential topics for your project. Suggestions for this assignment can focus on any number of issues, initiatives, or practice topics. NOTE: The project will require a paper and poster/slide presentation of your work (see criteria in the syllabus). The review of the literature is your starting point to discover general background information about the selected topic. Take a look at the review of the literature library resource (Links to an external site.). This will save you valuable time searching your topic. Remember: Your librarians (Links to an external site.) are always here to help you! Topics cross over all types of settings in healthcare and the community. Criteria related to the project and your presentation will continue to be addressed in Modules 2-4. A presentation of your slides to your peers and professor is required in Module 5. Purchase this Tutorial. https://aptitudenursingpapers.com/