Did it arrive as a flash of light, as some believe the big bang did when our universe was born?Was it created from a blueprint, as in the case of a spaceship, where thousands of scholars collaborated to build a rocket to the moon?
What Was the Source of the Theory? The following course outcome is addressed in this Assignment: MN502-2: Explain the impact of theoretical frameworks on progress. Purpose The goal of this Assignment is to investigate how a theorist explains his or her philosophy and thoughts about a theoretical field. Nursing, like other disciplines, has a plethora of theorists and theories. These theorists have refined their paradigm over time, enriching it with research and discussion with other theorists. Directions You will investigate how a selected theorist developed his or her theory. Was it an acorn that grew into a massive oak over time? Did it arrive as a flash of light, as some believe the big bang did when our universe was born?Was it created from a blueprint, as in the case of a spaceship, where thousands of scholars collaborated to build a rocket to the moon? In fact, how does a theory come to be formed? We’re looking into it. You will choose a theorist who interests you; it is not necessary for this to be a nurse theorist. Other disciplines such as behavioural, leadership, business, education, and technology are also available. You will become the theorist by immersing yourself in writings ranging from the oldest to the most recent. Examine how you (as theorist) developed the theory as you read. Theorizing occurs in the first stage.Theorizing occurs. This is where you, as the theorist, define what nursing is and is not. Perhaps you began to question what concepts were guiding those in nursing practise and then began to question your own role. You began to wonder, “Where am I in nursing, and where is the profession going?” Is there some overarching concept that guides the professional in his or her practise? †This is the point at which you realise you need a theory. The syntax is developed in the second stage. This is where you will define the terms. Keep an eye out for terms with changing definitions. Consider Jean Watson. She begins by defining the term â€caring.†In the last ten years, she has refined her terminology, changing the term caring to caritas.This demonstrates her and other scholars’ growth and maturation as a result of decades of research to develop the theory of caring. The third stage is theory testing. Defined as the phenomena revealed by research behind the theory. The definitions of terms are being refined. Theorists and other researchers are debating whether this theory can help answer practical questions. This is where your theory is applied by a growing number of researchers. Graduate nursing students, for example, may request the tool you created while testing your theory. The fourth and final stage is evaluation. This is where philosophical debate occurs as the concepts are applied through evidence-based practise in the act of providing nursing care.