Describe three (3) key concepts learned throughout the course that are relevant to RESEARCH.
The integration of theory, research, and practice has been the focus of this course. The purpose of this assignment is to use Power Point to demonstrate the scholarly concepts learned from each of these content areas. Please keep in mind that this is not a reflective paper (â€I, we, meâ€), but rather a scholarly assessment of the course’s learned concepts.
Criteria for Assignment:
1) Describe three (3) key concepts learned throughout the course that are related to THEORY.
a. Provide two (2) reasons why the selected concepts will have an impact on the future of nursing research and advanced practice nursing.
2) Describe three (3) key concepts learned throughout the course that are relevant to RESEARCH.
a. Provide two (2) reasons why the selected concepts will have an impact on the future of nursing research and advanced practice. nursing
3) Describe three (3) key concepts learned throughout the course that are relevant to PRACTICE.
.a. Provide two (2) reasons why the selected concepts will have an impact on the future of nursing and advanced practice nursing.
4) Develop three strategies to help nursing research succeed in the future.
5) Create a PowerPoint presentation/PowerPoint presentation in the form of a scholarly presentation. Adhere to the instructions and APA Documents/Resources.
6) The PowerPoint presentation should not exceed 10-12 slides (excluding the title slide and reference slide). Be thorough and succinct. Use bulleted statements rather than full sentences or paragraphs.
7) For PPT, use APA format, which includes a title slide, a reference slide, and APA requirements. APA Documents/Resources contained resources.
8) This assignment will necessitate a minimum of three (3) references. References should be from scholarly peer-reviewed journals that are less than five (5) years old (see Ulrich’s Periodical Directory).
9) Include the following details in the slides: