Describe the situation and explain how human rights were impacted
NR561 Addressing Global Health Disparities MODULE 2 DISCUSSION Health and human rights are closely connected and serve as a cornerstone for global health initiatives. Reflect upon a situation where human rights were disregarded, and health disparity was present. Respond to the following: Describe the situation and explain how human rights were impacted. How were individual health and global health influenced by this situation? Discuss additional variables that contributed to health disparity in this situation, such as cultural, social, economic, or educational determinants. How might international stakeholders collaborate to support vulnerable groups and support health equity? NR561 Addressing Global Health Disparities MODULE 4 DISCUSSION Prevention and control of infectious disease is foundational for global public health practice. With emerging technology to monitor and track cases, collaborative efforts to reduce risk, contain, and institute protection against disease have been greatly strengthened. Reflect upon a recent infectious outbreak, review the facts surrounding the outbreak, and respond to the following: Describe the outbreak, circumstances surrounding the outbreak, and the impact on health. In what ways were technology and collaborative practice used to address the outbreak? How might the prevention and control of infectious disease or an infectious outbreak be similar and different between low income and high income countries? What recommendation would you make to further strengthen the prevention and control of infectious disease from a global health perspective? NR561 Addressing Global Health Disparities MODULE 5 DISCUSSION Efforts to promote global health require interprofessional, intersectortal, and international collaboration. As you prepare for this module’s Collaboration Café, select an interprofessional, intersectoral, or international colleague to interview. Ask your interviewee: How is global health viewed within your profession?Within your professional practice or global region, what global health concerns are of highest priority? What efforts are underway to address that issue? From your perspective, how might interprofessional, intersectoral, and international colleagues collaborate to address non-communicable health concerns worldwide? After conducting your interview, share your findings in the Collaboration Café, and compare/contrast the insights gained with information shared by your classmates. How are the findings similar and different, and why? NR561 Addressing Global Health Disparities MODULE 8 DISCUSSION In years past, some perceived global health to be primarily focused on the support of impoverished people across the globe and prevention and control of infectious disease across international borders. Considering the new information gained through the NR 561 course, how would you describe the concept of global health, and how does it align with your core values? In what ways can you contribute to global health through your current practice? How do you envision impacting global health in your future MSN role? Purchase this Tutorial.