Describe the significant statistic used to determine statistical significance, such as the p-value. What are the study’s findings?
Use a quantitative study rather than a descriptive design because the inferential statistical test and results will be required.
To answer the research question, inferential statistical tests, which include descriptive and advanced statistics, are used. The TD is concerned with the inferential statistical tests used to answer the research question. Focus on study results rather than statistical results that describe the study sample.
* Specify the research question from a chosen research study (Spread of disease among homeless population). Remember that the verb(s) in the research question should adequately support the statistical tests used in data analysis.
* Describe the inferential tests used in the study to answer the research question (for example, t-tests, chi-squares, ANOVA, multiple logistic regression, and so on). What was the inferential test used for?
* Describe the significant statistic used to determine statistical significance, such as the p-value. What are the study’s findings? Were the findings of the study statistically significant? How do you interpret the findings?
* Are findings that are statistically significant also clinically significant? Describe the clinical implications of the study’s findings. * Contrast the statistically significant and clinically significant results. What were the study’s conclusions? What different research and nursing practice recommendations would you make? Use concre