Describe the relationship between globalization, health status, and healthcare delivery.
NR561 Addressing Global Health Disparities MODULE 3 REFLECTIONPART 1 Review the course outcomes and consider the module objectives. What do you hope to learn during this module of study? Course Outcomes CO 1: Describe the relationship between globalization, health status, and healthcare delivery. (POs 3 and 5)CO 2: Analyze the diverse variables that shape global health and their impact on health disparity worldwide. (PO 5)CO 3: Propose strategies to support health equity and improve health outcomes from a global perspective. (PO 5)CO 4: Consider professional opportunities to serve, advocate for, and contribute to the advancement of global health. (POs 3, 4, and 5)Module Objectives Apply knowledge of the relationship between climate change and health to prepare for the impact on global health. (COs 1 and 3)Investigate environmental factors that impact global health and contribute to disparity. (CO 2)PART 2 Based on your response to Reflection: Part 1, state one insight that you gained regarding the concepts in this module. Connect learning achieved to a minimum of one course outcome addressed during this module.Course Outcomes CO 1: Describe the relationship between globalization, health status, and healthcare delivery. (POs 3 and 5)CO 2: Analyze the diverse variables that shape global health and their impact on health disparity worldwide. (PO 5)CO 3: Propose strategies to support health equity and improve health outcomes from a global perspective. (PO 5)CO 4: Consider professional opportunities to serve, advocate for, and contribute to the advancement of global health. (POs 3, 4, and 5)Module Objectives Apply knowledge of the relationship between climate change and health to prepare for the impact on global health. (COs 1 and 3)Investigate environmental factors that impact global health and contribute to disparity. (CO 2) Purchase this Tutorial.