Describe the problem’s significance and relevance. Why is this research necessary?
I am enclosing my previous submissions on this topic, which need to be reworded and simply assembled together; please also ensure that all elements are included in this paper. I also included articles to use as references and to help complete and polish the work.
All components of this project have been completed in previous weeks, so the proposal project paper should be cohesive, polished, and 10 pages in length (not including the cover page and references). Use proper APA formatting and style, and include a cover page, reference page, and any relevant tables or appendices. Your research proposal should be theoretically grounded in nursing.
The following sections must be included in your research proposal:
The study’s context and rationale
Examine the relevant literature
Methodology and design
The following elements must be included:
The First Section: Introduction
The research proposal should include:
Begin with a statement of the problem and the study’s objectives, which articulates the main goals that the study hopes to achieve.
Include a description of the theoretical framework to be used as well as a justification for selecting a framework.
Describe the problem’s significance and relevance. Why is this research necessary? What impact will the findings have on the field of advanced practice nursing? Why is this study required?
Section Two: Review of Literature