Describe how you would convey the significance of the practice to your colleagues. Describe how you would transition from disseminating information to implementing evidence-based practice in your organization. How would you respond to criticism and opposition to the change in practice?
Now that you’ve found available research on your PICOT question, you’ll look at what it says about nursing practices. Evidence-based practice is essentially about connecting research evidence and findings to actual decisions and tasks that nurses complete in their daily practice. This final component of the Course Project requires you to translate the evidence and data from your literature review into real-world practices that can be used to improve health care outcomes. You will also consider potential methods and strategies for disseminating evidence-based practices to your colleagues and the larger health care field.
To get ready:
Think about Parts 1 and 2 of your Course Project. How does the study respond to your PICOT question?
With your PICOT question in mind, identify at least one nursing practice that is supported by evidence in two or more of your literature review articles. Consider the evidence for how this practice contributes to better outcomes.
Investigate the potential consequences of failing to implement the evidence-based practice that you identified.
Consider how you would spread information about this evidence-based practice within your organization or practice setting. How would you convey the significance of the practice?
To finish:
In a 3- to 4-page paper, include the following:
Rephrase your PICOT question and its relevance to nursing practice.
Write a summary of the findings from the articles you chose for your literature review. Describe at least one nursing practice supported by evidence from the articles. Justify your response by referencing at least two of the articles.
Explain how the evidence-based practice you identified helps to improve outcomes. Identify potential negative outcomes that could occur if the evidence-based practice is not used.
Outline your strategy for disseminating evidence-based practice throughout your practice setting. Describe how you would convey the significance of the practice to your colleagues. Describe how you would transition from disseminating information to implementing evidence-based practice in your organization. How would you respond to criticism and opposition to the change in practice?