Describe how the role of advanced registered nurse transformed over time.
NUR513 Introduction in Advanced Registered Nursing Week 1 Discussion DQ1 Describe how the role of advanced registered nurse transformed over time. Consider shifts in scope and expectations in the 20th and 21st centuries. In what ways will the advanced registered nurse role and responsibilities continue to evolve and emerge as the American health care system changes?DQ2 Access The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. Identify the two recommendations for nursing education you believe will be most effective or radical in creating change within the industry. Provide rationale based on your experience in practice. Do you agree or disagree with how the Institute of Medicine (IOM) describes the advanced practice registered nurse role evolving. Why or why not? NUR513 Introduction in Advanced Registered Nursing Week 2 Discussion DQ1 Identify at least three regulatory bodies or industry regulations that specify certification, licensure requirements, or scope of practice for your specialty. Discuss the way these bodies or regulations influence the educational requirements and experiences for your specialty. Advanced practice registered nurses must incorporate the APRN consensus model in their response.DQ2 Compare two different advanced registered nurse roles with regard to ethical guidelines. Are there any differences in the ethical guidelines that govern these roles? What situations might require one role to respond differently, depending on the ethical guidelines? NUR513 Introduction in Advanced Registered Nursing Week 3 Discussion DQ1 Identify a population that you will likely serve as an advanced registered nurse that you think is particularly vulnerable to issues of health disparities/inequity. Discuss the contribution of your particular specialty to health promotion and disease prevention for this population. How do issues of diversity and global perspectives of care contribute to your understanding of health equity as it relates to this population?DQ2 What is your personal worldview? Connect your worldview to cultural and spiritual competence. How will your worldview and cultural and spiritual competence affect your future practice and role? Consider both the provision of safe, quality care to diverse populations and interprofessional relationships. NUR513 Introduction in Advanced Registered Nursing Week 4 Discussion DQ1 Compare and contrast two nursing theories. How do they differ based on their intent, scope, and goals? Which one might be more relevant to your future role, and why?DQ2 Select two different nursing theories and describe how they relate to patient care. How could you use them for inciting behavioral changes? Discuss the pros and cons of applying each theory and how they could be integrated into your future practice. Are there any particular ethical issues related to the integration of these theories that should be considered? NUR513 Introduction in Advanced Registered Nursing Week 5 Discussion DQ1 During this program, you will complete an evidence-based practice project addressing a problem, issue, or concern in your specialty area of professional practice. Consider an area in your specialty that you believe needs improvement. Which nursing theories could you apply to this problem? Why is this the best theory?DQ2 Select one theory discussed during Topics 4 and 5. Does application of this theory differ based on the population focus (individuals, families, communities, and special populations)? Why or why not? Use examples from your current practice to illustrate differences or similarities. NUR513 Introduction in Advanced Registered Nursing Week 6 Discussion DQ1 Review the evidence-based practice project ideas you described in Topic 5 DQ 1. Based on your initial ideas, what types of scholarly nursing research (such as quantitative or qualitative research, peer-reviewed resources, etc.) would be required to further investigate the issue? Identify the criteria you would use to evaluate the appropriateness of the research. Why is it important to select research that meets these criteria?DQ2 Imagine the following scenario: You are taking the evidence-based practice course and one of your classmates shares an EBP project draft with you. You notice that some of the research has not been cited correctly or even at all. When you approach your classmate, the response is that “no one will notice and it is not a big deal anyway.” What are your next steps in speaking with your classmate? Consider how this could reflect on the credibility and integrity of the individuals involved, the University, and the profession. NUR513 Introduction in Advanced Registered Nursing Week 7 Discussion DQ1 Describe the steps of the evidence-based research process and the importance of using them. In the initial stages of an EBP project, where do nurses in your specialty go to locate sources of information that help them to determine whether or not a practice problem is appropriate for an evidence-based practice change proposal. Include two specific sources on information in your discussion.DQ2 What are some of the major ethical issues in conducting research that impacts the advanced registered nurse? Discuss the role of the advanced registered nurse in advocating for patient safety and rights in conducting research. NUR513 Introduction in Advanced Registered Nursing Week 8 Discussion DQ1 Identify three professional nursing organizations that interest you. Provide a brief summary of their purpose, requirements, and any differences in focus, population, scope, or intent. How do these organizations align to your goals and worldview?DQ2 Research health care legislation that is being considered in your state. What impact might this legislation have on your future practice? What impact does it have on the collective practice of nurses in your state? How do you envision yourself potentially becoming involved in political advocacy for the profession in your future practice? Purchase this Tutorial.