Describe how the nursing profession is viewed by the general public
Re: NRS 430 Topic 2 DQ 2
Nursing, in general, is a unique profession that receives both praise and criticism from the general public. Ideally, because it involves the interaction of patients and their families, the majority of people have an opinion about the profession. The majority expects so much from nurses that they are disappointed when they do not receive the attention they require. This notion is primarily informed by the fact that the majority of people have no understanding of the work of a nurse and believe that they are everywhere in hospitals. According to various studies on hospital violence, nurses take the lead because they are the target of many patients. However, some people value nurses’ work because they care for the majority of patients and spend the majority of their time with them to ensure that they recover (Godsey, Houghton, & Hayes, 2020).
Several things must be done to improve the general public’s perception of nurses, such as sensitizing people to the roles of various nurses and the impact they have in healthcare settings. Furthermore, increasing nurse research to capitalize on the provision of quality services is critical to creating a significant culture of accountability and knowledge (Poortaghi et al., 2019). This concept will also instill confidence in the nurses, allowing them to provide the best services possible.
Godsey, J. A., Houghton, D. M., & Hayes, T. (2020). Registered nurse perceptions of factors contributing to the inconsistent brand image of the nursing profession. Elsevier Public Health, 808–821.
Poortaghi, S., Ebadi, A., Salsali, M., Raiesifar, A., Davoudi, N., & Pourgholamamiji, N. (2019). Significant influencing factors and practical solutions in improvement of clinical nursing services: a Delphi study. BMC Health Services Research, 1-13.
Re: Topic 2 DQ 2
The general public considers nursing to be a caring profession. Nurses are perceived as people who assist doctors with minor duties such as taking care of patients in the absence of the doctor, administering medication as prescribed by the doctor, assisting patients admitted to the hospital with their hygiene, dressing their wounds, and so on. They are viewed as people who ensure that patients are safe while in the hospital.
The general public has a different perception of nursing as a profession. Some people believe that nursing is only for women, not realizing that male nurses play an important role in medical practices (Dickerson, 2015). Work values may also discourage and encourage negative public perception because the organization may have values that do not promote but rather disgrace the work of nurses. Nurses are frequently viewed as people with no knowledge of treating patients and are not given the opportunity to explore their caring talent and knowledge. Furthermore, some cultural and traditional values have portrayed nurses as people who care for others rather than as a vital profession. Nurses are perceived as having little or no knowledge of treatment due to a lack of good education.
The general public can be educated in a variety of ways, including: Organizing seminars to educate people about the value of the nursing profession. Trainings can be held to teach people about the importance of nurses in our healthcare systems. Furthermore, institutions and nursing professional bodies should provide scholarships for nurses to further their studies; this would promote nursing education and change the public’s perception. The media can also play an important role in educating the public about the credentials and level of training required to become a nurse (Yvonne ten Hoeve, 2014). Nurses should be at the forefront of campaigns for their rights and values in healthcare organizations because they know more than anyone else. They could improve their social media image by providing a better explanation of the types of duties they carry out while at their workstations, and they need to stand up and show the public what their work truly entails through their strategic positions and professionalism.
Dickerson, P. (2015). Changing Views: Influencing How the Public Sees Nursing. ALD Publishing, From
Yvonne ten Hoeve, G. J. (2014). The nursing profession: public image, self‐concept, and professional identity. A discussion paper. Journal of Advanced Nursing,
Re: Topic 2 DQ 2
Nurses are an essential component of the health-care system, and the public expects nurses to provide comprehensive and professional care to society. As a result, the general public views nursing as a profession with integrity and honest people (Falkner, 2018). Some people view nursing negatively because it is a profession with limited autonomy, no well-defined function, is a female occupation, and requires no higher education ( Kaur & Narula, 2019). This is detrimental to the nursing profession and discourages others from joining.
How nurses interact with patients and families influences the public’s perception of the nursing profession. The media also has a significant impact on how people perceive the nursing profession. When given the opportunity, nurses do not describe their interventions and duties well (Summers & Summers, 2016). As a result, it is critical for nurses to maintain a positive self-image about their profession at all times. Nurses must inform patients and families about their advocacy and care coordination roles, as this has a significant impact on the profession’s image. Nurses can help to create a positive image of the nursing profession by involving the media and assisting in correcting them when they present a negative image of the profession in the public domain. To raise public awareness about their scope of practice, nurses must highlight their functions through the media, patients, and families.
Falkner, A. (2018). Effective writing and research. In Grand Canyon University (Eds.), Dynamics in nursing: Art and science of professional practice.
Kaur, D., & Narula, P. (2019). Perception of Nursing Students towards Nursing Profession. Nursing & Midwifery Research Journal, 15(2), 75–86.
Summers, S., & Summers, H. (2016). Let’s take the lead in educating the public about nursing. American Nurse Today, 11(3), 36–58.