Describe each of the four concepts that make up the nursing metaparadigm.
Theories are patterns that guide nursing thinking, being, and doing. Theories help to structure nursing practice.
research. Theories guide nursing practice, stimulate creative thinking, improve communication, and clarify goals.
A metaparadigm is a global concept of a discipline that identifies the primary phenomena of that discipline’s interest. In the field of nursing,
The dominant phenomenon in nursing science revolves around human concepts.
Criteria for Assignment:
Create a scholarly paper that meets the following criteria for this assignment:
2. Describe theory and its purpose.
3. Defining and debating the nursing metaparadigm
a. Describe each of the four concepts that make up the nursing metaparadigm.
4. Discuss the significance of theory in nursing practice.
a. provide and discuss two current-practice examples
5. The length of the scholarly paper, excluding the title and reference pages, should be 4-5 pages.
6. Include headings at the first and second levels.
7. The paper should begin with a brief introduction that includes the purpose statement. The opening paragraph and
The purpose statement informs the reader about the topic of the paper/assignment.
8. A conclusion should be included in the paper.
9. Write the paper in the third person, not the first (do not use ‘we’ or ‘I’).
10. Include at least three references from professional peer-reviewed nursing journals (Ulrich Periodical review).
Directory) to back up the paper.
***Historical references are permitted. (A historical reference is a reference to something that happened in the past.)
a well-known individual, place, event, or literary work that adds meaning to the paper.)
11. APA format is required (pay close attention to spelling and grammar, include a title page, a reference page, and in-text citations)