Are medications properly labeled and stored in a secure manner?
Are medications properly labeled and stored in a secure manner?
Is it possible to secure throw rugs, area rugs, and flooring materials?
Is there enough light in each room?
Are there any telephone or electrical cords in the walkways?
Do the entry doors have deadbolts?
Are combustibles like newspapers stored?
Is there enough room around space heaters?
Is there any exposed heating piping?
Is the room/house adequately and safely heated and cooled?
Is the water heater set to 120 degrees Fahrenheit or lower?
Is there a fire extinguisher on hand in the kitchen?
Do smoking occupants demonstrate safe handling?
Is the gas at the stove, furnace, and space heater operational?
Are the walkways clear, sturdy, and wide enough to allow people to walk safely (even if they use assistive devices)?
Will burglar bars bend if they are installed on doors and/or windows?
Is a phone easily accessible?
Is there a functioning smoke detector near the kitchen and each sleeping area?
Is there a non-slip surface on the bathtub?
Are all occupants aware of oxygen and cord safety if oxygen is used during the hours?
Is it possible for all occupants to leave the house safely in five minutes or less?
Are firearms or weapons securely stored?
Are there safe handrails on the stairs?
Is a ramp present and safely constructed if one is required?
At least three feet away from the stove, fireplace, or heater?
in terms of cigarettes, lighters, and matches?
if required)?
Is there an emergency exit or is the key nearby?
Sanitation Dangers
Is there running water in the house?
Is food stored properly?
Are there any indoor restrooms?
Is the stove and/or microwave in good working order?
Is trash collected on a regular schedule?
Is the water in the kitchen, bathroom, and utility properly working?
Is there evidence of a rodent or pest infestation?
Is there enough refrigeration?
Recommendations for changes based on your evaluation
What surprised you the most while conducting your home safety assessment?
Why is it important for a public health nurse to understand and perform home safety assessments?
What kinds of teaching/topics do you think a public health nurse should do as a result of a home safety assessment?