Analyze the major current contributors to insurance coverage gaps
Nursing Many Americans are still confronting medical bills that are large enough to threaten their family financial health, up to and including personal bankruptcy. While more people have health insurance under the ACA, some people still lack coverage or have significant gaps in coverage for a variety of reasons. Some expenses are related to the high cost of treatments for certain diseases and conditions. Other expenses are related to the “routine” costs associated with insurance premiums and cost sharing for covered benefits. Initial Post Using 500 to 750 words, complete the following:· Analyze the major current contributors to insurance coverage gaps (no coverage and gaps in coverage).· 3-4 scholarly articles synthesis to support argument(Articles should not be more than 3-5 years old) Required· Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2019). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (7th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett Learning.· Chapter 12: Subsection: Access to care Videos Harvard School Public Health Lectures· Register for the free Harvard course: United States Health Policy.· Follow the links to register and enroll as a student for this course.· Select “View Archived Course.”· Scroll down to see a list of sessions and topics listed under each session.· Open Session 1.2: Introduction to U.S. Health Reform and the ACA.· Watch the videos in Topics 1–9 under Session 1.2.PBS Frontline Videos· PBS Frontline Video. Sick Around America.· Sick Around America Video Transcript· PBS Frontline Video: Sick Around the World.· Sick Around the World Video TranscriptRequired Resources· Altman, D. (2016). The Affordable Care Act’s little-noticed success: Cutting the uninsured rate. Retrieved from· Collins, S. R., Gunja, M. Z., Doty, M. M., & Bhupal, H. K. (2018, May 10). Americans’ confidence in their ability to pay for health care Is falling. The Point. Retrieved from· Kaiser Family Foundation. (2019, April 24). Kaiser health tracking poll: The public’s views on the ACA. Retrieved from–Unfavorable&aRange=twoYear· Majerol, M., Newkirk, V., & Garfield, R. (2015, November).The uninsured: A primer: Key facts about health insurance and the uninsured in the era of health reform (PDF). The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 1-23. · Rosenbaum, S., Schmuker, S., & Beckerman, J. Z. (2018, October 10). Provider networks and access in medicaid managed care: A look at federal and state standards. The Commonwealth Fund. Retrieved from Resource· Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017, January 20). Health Insurance Coverage. Retrieved from Purchase this Tutorial.