Analyze the diverse variables that shape global health and their impact on health disparity worldwide.
NR561 Addressing Global Health Disparities MODULE 2 REFLECTIONPART 1 Review the course outcomes and consider the module objectives. What do you hope to learn during this module of study? Course Outcomes CO 1: Describe the relationship between globalization, health status, and healthcare delivery. (POs 3 and 5)CO 2: Analyze the diverse variables that shape global health and their impact on health disparity worldwide. (PO 5)CO 3: Propose strategies to support health equity and improve health outcomes from a global perspective. (PO 5)CO 4: Consider professional opportunities to serve, advocate for, and contribute to the advancement of global health. (POs 3, 4, and 5)Module Objectives Describe the human rights that serve as a foundation for global health. (CO 2)Analyze factors that increase risk for poor health outcomes across the globe. (COs 1 and 2)PART 2 Based on your response to Reflection: Part 1, state one insight that you gained regarding the concepts in this module. Connect learning achieved to a minimum of one course outcome addressed during this module. Course Outcomes CO 1: Describe the relationship between globalization, health status, and healthcare delivery. (POs 3 and 5)CO 2: Analyze the diverse variables that shape global health and their impact on health disparity worldwide. (PO 5)CO 3: Propose strategies to support health equity and improve health outcomes from a global perspective. (PO 5)CO 4: Consider professional opportunities to serve, advocate for, and contribute to the advancement of global health. (POs 3, 4, and 5)Module Objectives Describe the human rights that serve as a foundation for global health. (CO 2)Analyze factors that increase risk for poor health outcomes across the globe. (COs 1 and 2) Purchase this Tutorial.